
Legal form

We are a company operating under the name Wytwórnia Sprężyn Grześkowiak spółka jawna.


Our company was established in 1981, and since its inception, the production of springs has been the core business. Initially it was a one-man company founded by Mieczyslaw Grześkowiak. He had already dealt with springs while working in one of the largest plants in Ostrow. Springs were also the subject of his thesis.

Over the following years, the company expanded its operations by gradually employing more and more people - we currently have about 50 employees.

Gradually, Eugenia Grześkowiak's wife, Mariusz Grześkowiak's son, and daughter Iwona Wendt joined the company's activities as a quality system representative.

So we are a family business.

Scope of activity

Production of springs is our core business. Our company makes all kinds of springs from patent wire in the range of wire diameters 0,2÷ 16,0 mm and from stainless spring wires. We also make springs from spring strips and other materials - depending on the agreement with the customer. The range of our production also includes disc springs.

We use materials from both Polish and foreign manufacturers - Swedish, Spanish, German and others.

We also provide advice on the selection of springs for a particular product. Thanks to the use of computer programs for calculating characteristics, we can efficiently select a spring with the given parameters.

Quality policy

The high qualifications of our employees, many years of experience and large manufacturing capabilities of the Grześkowiak Spring Factory allow our customers to place the highest demands on the quality and range of springs we produce.

We understand the needs and expectations of the customers of GRZEŚKOWIAK Spring Factory and consistently strive to meet them and even exceed these expectations. In addition to the stable quality of springs, confirmed by tests in our own quality control laboratory, we serve our customers with specialized knowledge and experience in many aspects related to our products.

Continuous improvement of the quality management system meeting the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 9001 standard, employee involvement and the adopted process approach allow us to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and enable us to offer our customers springs with an exceptionally good value for money.

The adopted development strategy ensures maintenance of the company's current position, successive improvement of working conditions, gradual enrichment and modernization of the machine park, increased productivity, long-term cooperation with customers and suppliers.

We are opening up to green solutions in industry, investing in renewable energy sources and eco-friendly heating systems.